Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mall of America Opens Themselves To Terrorist Attack

I haven’t been speaking out for a while but lately I’ve been seeing things that have been getting my ire up so I just have to write about them.

One of the things in the news today just amazes me as to how illogical it is. I saw that the radical Muslim terrorists have threatened to attack malls in the U.S. including the Mall of America. They obviously consider any large gathering of innocent people to be prime targets for their despicable criminal acts and a wonderful opportunity for them to commit murder.

Hearing this news, I guess the people that run the Mall of America decided to take action. What did they do to prevent attacks on the mall? They issued an immediate ban on all guns from the premises and posted signs at the entrances stating it. Huh??? Do they actually think this will have any effect on a terrorist attack in any way?

It makes me wonder what is going on in their minds. Do they think that the terrorists will plan their attack, drive to the mall, jump out with all their AK-47s and then be somehow dissuaded from entering by seeing the sign? Can any sane person see that happening? Picture it: a group of heavily armed terrorists jump out of a vehicle and head for the entrance to the mall and they see the sign and go, oh darn, we can’t go in with our guns. I guess we’ll have to go home. And they walk away all dejected, get in their vehicle and leave… Really? Can you see that happening?

What they actually did by banning guns and posting the signs is to disarm legal gun owners and legal carry permit holders carrying a firearm, from entering their facility. They banned people that could possibly thwart a terrorist attack from being in a position to do so.

They may as well have posted signs that say: “Attention terrorists! We have banned all legal guns from the premises and in doing so, welcome you to attack us. We have removed all deterrent or opposition to you thereby creating a perfect killing field for you. Come on in!” This would be much more accurate.

Instead, they choose to give the ILLUSION of security for people coming to their mall, when in fact, they have reduced security and made it much more open to attack. If they actually think that a SIGN will make them any safer from terrorists, they’re living in fantasy-land. It’s purely ludicrous to think it will have any effect whatsoever.

When will people realize that banning guns is not the answer? The “bad guys” that want to do harm will not pay any attention to a law, a rule or a ban! They break the law for a living! Hello!!! What makes you think they will all of a sudden decide to abide by a law banning guns?

There’s one thing that I know for sure. I will not patronize any business that bans guns from the premises. Even if I’m not carrying. I WILL NOT ENTER A BUSINESS THAT BANS GUNS. I will make it a point to refuse to spend my money there. Period.

And I encourage everyone to do the same.

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