Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Obama: An Idiot or a Liar?

Is Obama an idiot or a liar? He’s clearly one or the other, if not both. He made the statement that he only learned of his former secretary of state using her personal email, and not a secure government email account, for all government business during her tenure when he heard about it in news reports.

For him to make this statement is preposterous. It’s hard to believe that he could be so stupid as to utter it. First of all, for it to be true, he couldn’t have communicated with his own secretary of state via email EVER. Really Mr. President? You never communicated with your secretary of state at all via email? You want us to believe that lie?

Obviously, he did send and receive emails from her and he definitely saw that it was a personal email account and not a secure government account.

After he uttered this lie and several Obama administration members attempted to corroborate the lie, an official white house spokesperson quickly stated that obviously, he did communicate with his secretary of state and he DID know about the personal email account, proving that Obama lied.

So, his secretary of state made the decision to use a non-secure personal email account for sensitive government business. An email account that lacks the security against hacks and intrusions that an official government account on government protected servers has. This was an extremely poor decision on her part. One that I question for a person in a high position of power. And she’s running for president?

They have now admitted that Obama obviously knew about it and he did nothing about it. Didn’t even question it. How much does this say about his awareness and decision making capability? What does it say about his attitude about being honest and truthful? How does it speak to his character that he would have such a low opinion of the American public that he could blatantly speak such a preposterous lie and really expect them to believe it? It’s insulting. It’s shameful. It’s a disgrace.

The facts are these:

Obama did know about Hillary using a personal email account and eagerly responded with a bald faced lie when asked about it.

The lie was so blatantly stupid to the point of idiocy to even say it and it was an insult to the intelligence of everyone listening.

It is my considered opinion that our illustrious president is both an idiot AND a liar.

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