Friday, February 20, 2009

Character building

I remember back when I was young (yes a long time ago...) I was taught that team sports builds character and teaches life lessons that will stick with you forever.

I always thought it was true but in this and age of such fierce rivalries with coaches and players going all out to win at any cost, the bench clearing brawls and assaults that happen on the court or field, I have wondered if it is true anymore. I see the steroids and cheating in professional and college sports and I wonder what has happened to sportsmanship.

But then once in a while there comes a story of what team sport is all about. Once in a while we see the true character, courage and honor that young people and indeed all of us should aspire to. It may come from a backwater corner of America, from a team that nobody has ever heard from, but it shows that there's still hope.

Read this story and you will know what I'm talking about. You'll know that there are people and places in America where humanities’ best qualities are still taught and practiced.

Maybe these young men will be the future of America. We hope that men of this character will be the leaders that guide our great country.

It's a shame that such men are not leading us now...

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