Monday, February 23, 2009

Is he kidding???

Ok, I’m confused… Wasn’t it just a week or two ago that we were being told that the only answer to our financial “crisis”, that our president “inherited”? (Two terms that Mr. President seems to adore since he uses them in every speech he makes lately…) Wasn’t he just telling us that the only way out of this crisis was to spend, spend, spend to the tune of over a trillion dollars? Didn’t we get the spendulous bill rammed down our throat by Mr. Obama and his liberal Democrat cronies in congress? A bill that was passed so fast that none of the members of congress or the President himself actually got a chance to read it before it was passed. It was so important to get all this money spent that we couldn’t wait another second, right?

Now, this week our supreme leader comes out and says that we have to get spending under control. With all due respect Mr. President I just have to say, HELLOOOOOO! Are you for real??? You just passed the largest spending bill in the history of our country and now you say you’re going to get spending under control? Go talk to all your financial expert buddies, the ones that can’t figure out how to pay their taxes, then put your heads together and see if you can find a CLUE!

I cannot believe this guy. I’m starting to think that everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. He says he is going to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first (and what is going to be his ONLY) term. He says he is going to do it by getting the troops out of Iraq. Right… He’s going to get them out of Iraq and send them right into Afghanistan. So how’s that going to save anything? It’s not.

He’s going to let the Bush tax cuts expire which will raise the capital gains tax and increase taxes on the “wealthy”. Right… That will make people run from investing in stocks (the stock market fell more than 250 points just today on his announcement) and taxing the “wealthy” (you know those people that run businesses and create jobs) will just stifle growth and increase unemployment. Increasing taxes while the economy is declining will cause it to decline even further. This is a basic economic principal and he knows it. He just can’t help himself. Liberal Democrats have to raise taxes. It’s a sickness…

Make no mistake about it folks; this plan is not going to work. He will NOT be able to pay for all this spending AND cut the deficit in half without raising your taxes. Not just on the wealthy but YOUR taxes, MY taxes, EVERYONE'S taxes. We will not get to the end of 2009 without our taxes going up. You might as well get prepared for it.

While you’re at it, you might as well get ready for runaway inflation and a continued fall of the stock market. I hope you weren’t planning on your 401K or IRA actually being worth anything…

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