Monday, February 9, 2009

The Spendulous Bill

I just can’t hold back anymore. I was waiting to see just how bloated and pork laden the “stimulus bill” was going to get. I wanted to see the final version of it before I blogged about it, but I know it’s going to be crap so I may as well start now.

Obama and the democrats want you to believe this is a bipartisan effort. It is nothing of the sort. The Republicans were entirely shut out and none of the proposals they had for the bill were even considered by the Democratic majority in the house. Not one single house Republican voted for this pork fest.

They want you to believe that this bill is what will get the country going again. That also couldn’t be further from the truth. It is partisan Democrat pork barrel, wasteful spending from the top down. There is actually very little in this spend-fest that will actually do anything to help. Most of it does nothing and will most likely work to slow economic growth even further in the long run.

It manages to spend money on every pent up Democrat’s desires for the last 40 years and there isn’t much in there that will actually stimulate anything other than the ire of the American public. It’s just spending, pure and simple and wasteful spending at that.

Tell me, why do we need 650 million additional dollars spent on the digital TV changeover coupons? Why is the government paying for this? Why is the government involved at all? It’s TV… If the TV networks want this, why aren’t they paying for it? My TV that’s not hooked up to cable works just fine. If I wanted digital TV on it, I would hook it up to my cable.

Tell me how $50 million to the National Endowment to the Arts is going to stimulate the economy? Are we going to make a bunch of unemployed people artists and put them to work?

Why do we need to spend $400 million for global warming research? I thought Al Gore already had that all figured out. How much more research do we need to tell there’s global warming? How is it going to stimulate the economy? How is it going to create jobs?

Oh and here’s a good one, $1 BILLION for AmTrack. Yea, we need to spend a billion dollars on an entity that has been losing money for the last 40 years. That’s right friends and neighbors, AmTrack runs it’s business in the red just like the Federal Government. They want to hand over a billion dollars to them, but they didn’t want to help out the auto companies. Ya, that makes sense… Again, how is this going to stimulate the economy? By pouring more money into a proven loser?

This SPENDING package, yes I’m calling it what it IS, wasn’t even crafted by the President. It was put together by the most wasteful spenders on the planet, the Democrats in congress. As Nancy Pelosi put it, "We won the election. We wrote the bill." So they did… and now they are going to try and get everything that’s ever been on the liberal Democrat’s Christmas list all in one nice, big, fat spend fest. It’s absolutely disgusting.

What really grinds me is that Obama ran on the premise of “change”. I took that to mean change in Washington. Change in the way our government works. Change it into what it’s supposed to be. Eliminate waste, eliminate earmarks and pork and eliminate congress working for its own self interest and not for ours.

I think Obama is demonstrating what he actually meant by change. I guess it means change for the worse. I guess it means we get even more waste and even more inefficiency in our government. I guess it means more federal deficit and a greater national debt. I guess it means letting the pigs in congress continue to feed at the public trough and try and spend our government into bankruptcy.

Just so you all know, this will mean we are all going to get hit with huge tax increases down the road. He’s not telling you that part right now but sooner or later he’s going to say, “Well, we did what we had to do and now everybody needs to bite the bullet and do their fair share to pay for it and give 40% (or more) of their pay to the Federal Government.” Get ready for that…

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for stimulating the economy. I just want to see the money actually spent for that. I don’t want to see it spent on pet projects and entitlement programs. I only want them to spend money that will actually do some good. Wouldn’t you agree?

Just FYI, an unscientific poll on the CNN website asked this question, “Should the economic stimulus bill contain items not directly related to strengthening the economy or creating jobs?”

The results: Yes – 10% No – 90%

Gee, you think the American public “gets it”? I just wish the idiots in Washington did…

Oh gee, as I was writing this, our President came on TV to hold a press conference to try and sell his Spendulous package to us people who pay his salary. I guess I’ll have to make a few comments about that…

Obama said that tax cuts don’t work. He said in his new conference that we’ve seen this time and time again. I’d sure like to know what times he is talking about because every time I’ve seen tax cuts, they sure do work and it absolutely does stimulate the economy.

He said that this type of policy is what got the economy to where it is now. Tax cuts had NOTHING to do with the economy getting to where it is now. The housing and mortgage market was the biggest contributor to the economy crashing, thank you Barney Frank and Chris Dodd…

He also says there are no earmarks in this bill. Right… I believe that one.

He says we are in the worst economic crisis since the great depression. I guess he forgot about the Jimmy Carter years of mortgage interest rates over 15%, double digit inflation and higher unemployment than we have now. By the way, the Reagan tax cuts brought the economy back after this but our illustrious president insists tax cuts don’t work…

The fact is, we are not as bad off now as we were back then but he’s trying his best to scare the American public into getting behind his Spendulous package so he can get it pushed through.

Don’t believe him! He’s lying! You know how I can tell? His lips are moving…

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