Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More on the Porky Plan

I saw our illustrious president again today out on the stump pushing the pork-fest spending bill he insists is the only way to save our country. I don’t know why everyone thinks he is so “charismatic” as the media keeps reporting. He just annoys me. I’ve seen three speeches in as many days and he comes across as arrogant and condescending. He speaks as if he’s talking to his kids after they’ve been naughty.

He seems intent on getting his digs in against the former administration and Republicans in general, insinuating that they are the reason the economy is in the shape it’s in even though his own party played a MAJOR role in the housing market crash. He ignores or denies that fact while he sarcastically says he received the present economy tied up with a big red bow when he took office. Very professional… Just what we need, a president who’s a smart ass…

He also said that now is not the time for congress to be delayed from acting by the same old Washington partisan politics and they need to come together to pass this bill. He says this out of one side of his mouth while the other side refers to the old failed policies of the last eight years, blaming the Republicans for everything. Here’s a clue Mr. President, if you want to end partisanship, stop speaking in such a partisan manner.

So I guess his idea of “bi-partisan” means that the Republicans should not question anything, they should just lie down and agree with a bill that has no compromise whatsoever. It was crafted by Democrats from their own wish list, with nothing but Democrat spending projects. It was by them and for them.

The Republicans shouldn't want accountability. They shouldn't care about fiscal responsibility. They shouldn't complain about wasteful spending. They shouldn’t insist on tax cuts, which if you remember was one of the main promises of Obama’s campaign, lower and middle class tax cuts, right? Now he says tax cuts aren’t the answer. Giving people more of their own money to spend isn’t a good way to stimulate the economy. He says only the government can fix this problem. Gee, that sounds like something a Socialist would say…

Can anybody remember when the government ran anything well? The post office is a model of efficiency, right? Can you tell me when they have ever run the government within their own budget? Maybe they can do as good a job running the economy as they do managing the Social Security System, right? They have been TOTALLY fiscally irresponsible, overspending for YEARS, increasing the national debt exponentially and now they think that spending even more and going even farther in debt is the answer? Is our government being run by a pack of idiots and morons? It sure looks that way to me.

Now, this is the second post I've written about this issue and you may ask yourself, "Who the heck is this guy? He's no economist." Well, you'd be right, I'm not, but coincidentally enough, a lot of people that ARE economists and other learned people happen to agree with my point of view.

As a matter of fact several hundred prominent economists including several Nobel laureates and other scholars signed a statement disagreeing with the President and the massive spending bill he touts as the only solution to our problems. They took out full page ads in major newspapers across the nation to show their disapproval. Take a look on the Cato Institute's Website.

Well, guess what, even the Congressional Budget Office, which is non-partisan by the way, says the spending bill will actually lower the GDP by .1 - .3 percentage points and that doing NOTHING would help the economy more than this irresponsible spending plan. Read the story.

The porkulus package passed in the Senate today and now is in committee to reach a compromise between the House version and the Senate version. Now, normally when you talk about compromise, you think there’s a high and a low and they meet somewhere in between. Well, just watch and see what happens here. The House version, I think, was around $825 billion. The Senate version is around $837 billion. Their “compromise” will be bigger than both. I predict at least $850 billion. That’s how congress compromises when it comes to spending. When in doubt spend even more…

I’m tellin’ ya… idiots and morons…

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