Monday, December 5, 2011

The TSA Strikes Again

Well, it seems the TSA is up to it’s usual standards. The reports of the goings on in the world of the illustrious airport safety patrol seems to know no bounds. The absurdity just keeps getting worse and worse. TSA agents strip searching little children, groping people’s genitals... What a pleasure it is to fly nowadays, huh?

Now we have reports of them strip searching an 85 year old woman in a wheelchair. Another 88 year old woman claims they strip searched her as well. She was wearing a colostomy bag and they wanted to make sure there were no weapons of mass destruction in there I guess. These cases are tragic. They submit these poor elderly people to humiliation and embarrassment by invading their most intimate privacy and then say they’re just doing their job. Seriously? Is your job as a TSA agent to be an idiot? Well, in that case, you’re doing a wonderful job.

But here’s a case that’s so idiotic it’s laughable. We have a teenage girl that was detained by the TSA because she had the design of an old western six shooter on her purse. Not an actual gun, only an image of a gun.

She was told by the TSA that she was committing a federal offense and she would have to check the purse or surrender it. They detained her so long that she missed her flight and then they stuck her on a plane to Orlando, which probably didn’t make her mother very happy since she was waiting for her at the Jacksonville airport.

If you want to read the story for yourself, here is the link:

Now, is there anyone on the planet who would really think that a design on the outside of a purse could actually be a threat to anyone? I mean in any situation that the human mind can conceive, could the image of a gun ever be a used to threaten anyone or anything? The whole idea is so absurd, it’s inconceivable that anyone with half a brain would even consider it. Then the TSA strikes again...

Would you feel threatened if someone tried to rob you with a picture of a gun? Doesn’t it sound ridiculous to even ask such stupid questions or imagine such scenarios? Of course it does, but not to the TSA. They take their job so seriously that they won’t let even an image of a weapon on board an airplane. Just in case, you know... They will use their formidable power of intimidation to protect us all from the supreme danger of... pictures...

Wow, I feel safer already, don’t you? Doesn’t it just make you want to... drive?

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Idiocy Knows No Bounds

Oh, this is just too ridiculous to ignore. Just when I thought the United States government had the market cornered on idiocy, the EU comes out with a monumentally stupid law. They have actually banned producers of bottled water from making the claim that drinking water can help avoid dehydration.

After a three year investigation no less, a group of completely brain dead fools found no evidence to prove such a claim. Now, this begs the question, what idiot or group of idiots decided we needed research into whether water can prevent dehydration in the first place, but somewhere along the line, somebody decided we did. Then this group of rocket scientists took 3 years studying whether water is wet??? Well, DUH...

What planet are these people from? Because, us earthlings pretty much figured out quite some time ago that drinking water is a good way to hydrate the body. That’s why we drink it. I wouldn’t have thought there were any people on the planet that weren’t well aware of that fact, but low and behold, they paraded themselves right out into plain site and declared themselves complete and utter imbeciles for all to see.

In the article, it stated that previous nonsensical laws having to do with bent bananas and curvy cucumbers were scrapped in 2008 because it caused international ridicule. Uh, ya’ think??? Hey fellas, I got a news flash for you, YOU AIN’T SEEN NOTHIN’ YET!!! "International ridicule"? You'll achieve a new level of fame for absurdity. Somewhere on a planet lightyears from here, one alien is nudging his friend saying, “Hey, look at these knuckleheads” while he laughs his alien ass off. I’ve seen stupidity before but you guys take the prize.

I’ve always thought that the whole concept of bottled water is a little dumb and a big part of society is not too bright by paying for something that is widely available virtually free out of any tap, but it took government officials to reach for a new level of idiocy and they have certainly achieved it. Way to go morons.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Democrats Will NEVER Get It

This morning I read that John Kerry is now blaming the Tea Party for the S&P downgrade of America’s credit rating from AAA to AA+. Senator Kerry, you are an idiot, pure and simple. You don’t have a clue and even with all your considerable wealth, you couldn’t BUY a clue. It’s not about taxes. IT’S ABOUT THE SPENDING!!! HELLO!!!

The Democrats continue to display, for all to see, what they are truly all about. They want to increase your taxes. They want to take more and more of your money. They want to continue to increase the size and scope of the federal government until it controls everyone and everything. They want the federal government to be a major controlling force in our daily lives. They are truly trying to change our form of government from a Republic to Socialism and if they had their way, Communism.

I read an article a while back about the gradual shift of our political parties in this country to the left. It has been a gradual thing over the last 50 years or so but has accelerated substantially over about the last 15. In the article, it said that if John F. Kennedy were running for office today, he would be way too far right to even be considered for the Democratic ticket. He wouldn’t fit in with today’s Democrats. That’s because they have shifted so far left that most of them are clearly Socialists, including our President and they want to impose Socialist ideology and policy on our country.

One of the problems that caused the present mess we are in is that the Republicans also shifted left. They became more centrist and began adopting some of the Democrat’s policies of big government and uncontrolled spending. Under the second term of the Bush administration, they let the deficit spending get out of hand. That started us on the road to ruin that the Democrats, lead by Obama, have accelerated. The Tea Party movement isn’t controlling the Republican party as Sen. Kerry would have you believe through his caustic accusations, they are simply trying to steer them back toward sanity.

The lefties want to demonize the Tea Party. They want to brand them as evil. That’s because, to the extreme left, or Socialist sect of the Democrats, they ARE evil. The Tea Party stands for freedom. They want less government, lower government spending, more government accountability and a prosperous America. They want to stop our march toward Socialism and steer America back toward the being the bastion of freedom that it has always been. They want America to be strong and the “power” to be in the hands of the people and NOT in the hands of the government “power elite”. Everything the Tea Party stands for is evil in the eyes of a Socialist.

The differences of our political parties in this country has never been clearer. The Democrats clearly want more and bigger government and even though they promised that their policies wouldn’t lead to higher taxes, they are now blatantly arguing for just that. They are admitting that they lied to you and now they want big tax increases to pay for their big spending.
They just don’t get it and they never will. Socialism and freedom don’t go together. You can either have a free society or you can have Socialism, but you can’t have both. Yet, they blindly try to tax and spend our way to prosperity. They will never admit that these policies don’t work. If they did, we would be seeing improvement in our economy by now. Instead, we are seeing our country spiral further down into economic oblivion and they continue to blame others for their failed policies. The simple fact is that the present deficit spending and gargantuan national debt is a direct result of the Democrat ideology.

The only way to fix America is to remove the Democrats from power. Their ideology does not fit with a free America. Remember that come election time.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Left Wing Media Displays Their Hatred

Oh, how the left is terrified of the tea party. They absolutely HATE the tea party and anyone who would advocate more freedom in America. They HATE the thought of closer adherence to the Constitution of the United States. They HATE the idea of a smaller, less powerful federal government. These tenets are contrary to their ideas of a bigger federal government with more central control and higher taxes. They see the tea party as a huge roadblock on their march to socialism and eventually communism.

Just listen to them in this video as they display their vehemence and hatred, referring to members of the tea party movement as zombies, addicts, cannibals, vampires, aliens, delusional and psychotic. Their so called “expert” spews his drivel about the tea party, saying that they will turn eventually turn violent.

Just listen to the left wing’s pathetic attempt to discredit and insult the growing number of people in this country that are fed up with our dysfunctional government and that want to save America from the left’s ongoing attempts to destroy it.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Pretty disgusting isn’t it?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

They STILL Don't Get It

With all the hoopla over the budget crisis and government shutdowns and no social security checks going out and all the other blather about what’s going to happen if they don’t raise the debt ceiling, the dimwits in congress still don’t get it. They can’t understand the simple fact that they can’t keep spending more than they take in.

Are they all a bunch of IDIOTS? Are they all really that STUPID? I’m really beginning to think so.

They’re in the process of passing a “deal” that will raise the debt ceiling and “cut” spending. They’re touting the fact that they are cutting spending by billions of dollars. NO THEY’RE NOT! What they are REALLY doing is just increasing the deficit less. They are simply saying they won’t spend as much as they originally said. BIG WOW! They should really be proud of themselves, huh? What an amazing accomplishment.

That would be like me saying that even though I’ll only make $50,000 this year, I’m going to spend $200,000. Oh wait, I can’t spend that much??? Oh, well then, I’ll work real hard and find a way to “cut” spending. WOW, SUCCESS!!! I found a way to only spend $150,000!!! I “cut” spending by $50,000. Aren’t you proud of me? What a wonderful person I am. I should be elected to congress!

Never mind that I’m still going in the hole by $100,000. Oh no, don’t even look at that. That’s no big deal. I CUT SPENDING BY $50,000! THAT’S the important part.

This is how the people in Washington think. Now do you understand why I call them stupid idiot morons? They’re a disgrace. Every damn one of them that voted for this pile of crap spending bill.

And what’s the deal with this new “super committee” of 12 lawmakers that is created by this “deal”? Rumor has it that they will be granted unprecedented new powers to fast track legislation. Just what “powers” will they have? Can they enact law without the approval of a majority of congress? Is this a way to circumvent the normal process of our government according to the Constitution of the United States?


We have been seeing our freedoms in this country slowly, insidiously being taken away for years now. Is this another giant leap forward toward changing our system into some sort of totalitarian mutation of what it once was? Are the “powers that be” slipping through a power grab, taking away the power from the people and giving it to the inner elite of the ruling class?

We, the people of this country, need to wake up and start keeping a very close eye on these clowns, before we end up with no freedom at all.

Friday, May 27, 2011

A friend of mine sent me a link to this video in an email and I was quite surprised at what I saw. I don't know about you, but I always thought that when I typed a query into a search engine like Google, I would get results simply from what I searched for. Well, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that websites are filtering search results and links displayed by who I am, where I am and what my views might happen to be. In other words, the results are tailored or skewed to suit the person doing the search.

Take a few minutes and watch this video:

So much for the pure, unhindered flow of information, huh?

You might think that this is no big deal at first, but think about it. Who is going to decide what results we see? Who is going to control the flow of information? Does it maybe make you think of the movie 1984 and "big brother is watching"? Are we going to be "spoon fed" only the information that somebody decides is okay for us to see?

What makes this a little more scary is the fact that they are doing this and nobody really realizes it because they don't know what they aren't being allowed to see. I don't mean to be overly paranoid except for the fact that there are people in our present administration who have openly stated their desire to control the flow of information in society.

Just a little FYI for you all out there...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Obama, How Low Can You Go?

So, we avoided a government shutdown. Whew, that was close... How would we have survived without our wonderful government running at it’s usual efficient and essential manner? We narrowly avoided complete disaster... Ya, right. That’s how our wonderful media is portraying this whole government circus show that we just witnessed.

CHANGE??? Did Obama say CHANGE??? Has he changed how Washington works in the slightest? One little iota of change. NOT ONE BIT. As a matter of fact, he has embraced the Washington credo of politics first and everything else second. He is the epitome of the Washington political machine. First priority of any politician? Whatever is best for the politician and his party. Nothing else matters. Has there been a president in modern history that has been such a letdown from what people expected to what he really is? I don’t think so.

So why am I so upset with our illustrious schemer this time? I’ll tell you why. He disgusts me. During this whole budget fight, he tried to tell everyone that he wasn’t involved in such mundane matters and all the while he was manipulating and using his political power to influence the outcome to his liking. He then proved that there is no limit to how low he will go to get what he wants. No bargaining chip is off the table. He will use anything or anyone at his disposal.

He made it clear that he would shut down the government if he didn’t get what he wanted. He said he would use his veto power to block any meaningful spending cuts the Republicans put forth. He would veto any temporary bills to keep things going until they came up with a permanent solution. HE was forcing things toward a shutdown. HE and the democrats in congress were the ones holding their breath until they turn blue or they get their way.

The most disgusting thing he did though was use our fine soldiers, that HE himself has put in harms way, as pawns in his little political game. He said that he would hold their pay if he didn’t get what he wanted. This is totally his decision to be this despicable, totally his choice. He was choosing to hold military pay hostage to get his way.

There is a directive in the OMB that was issued by President Reagan that would provide that military pay would continue without interruption in the event of a government shutdown due to political deadlock in congress. During the last government shutdown that happened during the Clinton administration, our fine soldiers continued to receive their well deserved and hard earned pay. Clinton did the right thing.

But not our illustrious demigod in chief.

It was his choice to overturn the OMB directive and stop the soldiers paychecks. It’s not enough that soldiers are fighting his battles in faraway lands while their families are trying to make ends meet on meager military wages here at home, his highness decides to hold up their pay. Nothing like adding insult to injury, eh? Can you go any lower, Obama? Huh?

Thanks for showing us your arrogance. Thanks for showing us how heartless and ruthless you really are. Now we see your true colors. Your real self. Change? Ya, Mr. politician, we see how you change things...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cronyism Is Alive and Well In the Obama Administration

One of the themes that the left wing crowd always harped on during the Bush administration was their claim that he, his administration and Republicans in general were in cahoots with big business. "Big business" being synonymous in their minds with evil corporations who were all out to screw the general public in their constant quest for money at all costs. They cried out about "cronyism" and the "good ol' boy" network, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…

Well, lets take a close look at the "cronyism" in the Obama administration.

First we have Obama appointing the CEO of one of the largest corporations in the world to a post in his administration, "chairman of the Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, a newly named panel that Mr. Obama is creating by executive order", replacing Paul Volker.

So why Jeff Immelt? Could it be because of his business acumen and fine record of performance at GE? Not hardly. Immelt was voted one of the five worst CEO's in 2008 and GE stock has dropped by 60% since he took the helm.

Gee, I wonder if there could be another reason. How much did Immelt contribute to the Obama presidential campaign anyway? I wonder. It's no secret that Immelt is close to Obama and has broad support for him and his administration. Is this just the "good ol' boy" network being employed here?

Then we have the story about how the EPA has declared, with the full support of Obama, complete control over that deadly gas carbon dioxide, also known as CO2 (you know, that awful stuff we exhale and plants consume) and other greenhouse gases and labeled them as toxic. This will give them broad control over businesses, dictating their emission levels and of course that means that the EPA also has the authority to issue exemptions whenever it so desires.

The story hit the airwaves that none other than GE got an exemption from the new EPA regulations. In fact, a power plant project in California is the direct recipient of the exemption that will be fueled by natural gas. GE of course denied that they got the exemption because they aren't building the plant, they only are possibly going to supply key equipment such as turbines and generators.

So, does this strategic exemption, given to the power plant, pave the way for the use of the turbines, generators, etc. from GE to be used, that maybe otherwise wouldn't pass the new EPA regulations?

GE can deny it got a favor and Obama can deny he paid a favor to one of his cronies or gave preferential treatment to one business over another, but if GE equipment goes into that power plant the result is the same. The wheels got greased.

Want another example?

Obama's ambassador to Luxembourg was forced to leave her post after creating a high stress, hostile work environment, breaking state department rules and generally destroying the workability of the U.S. Embassy there. Cynthia Stroum cost U.S. taxpayers dearly according to an audit by the State Department Inspector General who referred to it as "The Horror Report of the Year".

Read the full story here:

Stroum, who had no apparent qualifications for the job, was coincidentally enough, one of Obama's top 25 fundraisers. She raised over a half million dollars for his campaign and personally gave over $150,000 to democrat candidates. Isn't that interesting. Gee, now we know what an ambassadorship costs. Just pony up some dough and you'll get your payback in the form of a cushy ambassador position somewhere.

The man who ran on the promise that he was going to change the way things are done in Washington seems to have LIED. He is doing just the opposite. He just has a different good ol' boy network of cronies, that's all.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Government Spending - Is There An End In Sight?

Well, what do you know, 66% of voters nationwide favor a proposal to cut the federal payroll by 10% over the next 10 years. That, according to Rasmussen Reports. You think maybe people are starting to wise up to the fact that most federal government employees are overpaid compared to the private sector? According to USA Today, the average federal workers pay and benefits package totaled about $123,049 in 2009, while comparable private sector jobs were about half that.

Well, guess what friends. The Lord of the Left Obama wants to give them all a nice raise. And if you didn't know it, our illustrious leader increased the number of federal employees to the highest level EVER. We've got the most federal employees and a bigger federal government than we have ever had in the history of the nation and they want to make it even bigger.

The pay reduction mentioned above that would put pay rates more in line with private sector levels, would save about $25 Billion a year. But if they do what the big spender wants to do, it will continue to increase every year.

Hey, if you haven't figured it out, more federal employees, being overpaid more and more money = much higher taxes for everybody else. Either that or they'll just keep increasing the deficit to the point where it will totally crash our entire economy. And I don't just mean what we went through in the last couple of years. If they keep going the way they're going, the crash that's coming will be monumental. I'm talking hyper inflation, the dollar worth nothing, economic chaos, totally wrecked economy, totally wrecked country, totally wrecked way of life in America.

The warning signs are there. We're about to lose our AAA credit rating. What does that mean for the United States? You know how when you have your credit card charged up to the max and you're just able to make the minimum payment every month, then you miss one and the credit card company increases your interest rate by an additional 10%? You were teetering on the brink and now the payment just jumped up. Well, that's what's going to happen to all the federal debt. The interest rate is going to go up and more federal dollars will be needed to just pay the interest. Do you think our economy can absorb that?

If the new Republican controlled congress can't get federal spending under control, we are headed for big, big trouble. They have to CUT federal jobs, CUT federal spending, CUT government waste in order to CUT the national debt. Notice I didn't say cut the federal deficit. That's because the only way to cut the national debt is to totally eliminate the budget deficit and start operating government responsibly instead of going in the whole every year. We need to start operating in the black. That's the only way we are going to save America.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Success Story

I love it when someone gets help that's actually trying to help themselves. This story has been in the news a lot this week but I thought it was such a great story, I'd mention it too. It's the story of the homeless guy who demonstrated his radio voice to a passing driver who videoed him and put it on youtube. Now he's famous and is getting all kinds of offers for work.

What I really like about the story is how it shows how if someone who is totally down and out demonstrates how he really wants to help himself, others respond with the help he needs. The government didn't need to get involved. They didn't need to take someone elses money to give to him. He didn't need a government program or handout. It was just people helping people.

Take a look at the original youtube video that started it all and notice how he tells his story and how he is trying to help himself.

After the video got millions of views in a few days, it became national news and people from all over were offering him work and even a house to live in, including offers for voice-over work from the Cleveland Cavaliers, MTV and the NFL.

If you look at all the videos on youtube, you'll also see some trying to tear him down, pointing out that he has a criminal record. Not surprising since by his own admission, he got involved in drugs and most that are doing drugs end up doing crime to support their habit. But hey, the guy seems like he is legitimately trying to work his way back into society. He deserves a chance.

There's also a controversy now about the guy that originally posted the video. His original vid that is responsible for all of this, actually got removed due to "copywrite" issues. I suspect it's because he worked for the Columbus Dispatch as a videographer so they got hissy about him posting a video without them getting credit, but I don't know for sure.

I don't care what the naysayers blather about, this is a huge success story in my book. I hope he keeps himself on the straight and narrow and has a long and successful career.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

When Will This END???

Care to read about more abuse by the TSA?

I don't care what anybody says, this is a violation of the Constitution, plain and simple.

Wake up people!