Sunday, November 1, 2009
How About DOING Something Mr. President
President Obama has been critical of this government and I suspect that is part of the reason that he has been delaying a decision about whether to send in more troops, or even come up with a firm plan for what we are trying to accomplish in that country. You’d think this ominous development would be very important to the president, wouldn’t you?
So what is the president doing about it? Well, he’s campaigning of course. He’s much more concerned about getting one of his buddies, Jon Corzine, re-elected to the governorship in New Jersey, so he’s kind of busy with that. Who cares about our poor troops fighting in Afghanistan when we have an election to worry about in New Jersey, right?
Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a president that was concentrating on the serious issues facing this nation instead of only concerning himself with the re-election of his cronies and their retention of all power? Has this guy ever STOPPED campaigning? I think that’s the only thing he actually does well so I guess that’s what he’ll keep doing.
Hopefully, the voters of New Jersey have the sense to kick out the incumbent and vote for the challenger, Chris Christie.
Hopefully, the voters of the United States will have the sense to do the same thing in 2010 and again in 2012...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Obama Administration Hypocrites and Liars Are Still At It
Gee, I wonder what was being said in THAT meeting. You think they might be plotting against Fox News? You think maybe Obama is instructing the left wing press as to how he wants them to report and what he wants them to say? Ask yourself, why would the president of the United States call TV news personalities to the White House for a private meeting? And even more importantly, why would he waste time with this rather than spending time addressing the real issues facing the Nation? Does he think that meeting with Keith Olbermann is more important than coming up with a plan for Afghanistan? Or maybe telling Rachel Maddow to talk him up is more important than unemployment and the economy. Get a clue Mr. President.
Now we hear that the Obama administration specifically tried to exclude Fox News from last Thursday’s interviews with pay czar Ken Feinberg. Then they lied about it and claimed they didn’t. Guess what though; their Chicago thug style vendetta that they’ve been trying to carry out blew up in their faces when CBS news and others said that’s going too far and called them out on it. The other news people realize that if they get away with restricting free speech by excluding Fox, it could be any one of them that they could exclude the next time.
Well, you could say that wasting time on this assault against Fox has been senseless, stupid, arrogant, etc. but it’s also a major waste of the public trust. It’s not what we pay them for. The president and his administration should be above this. They should not be concerning themselves with controlling the media. Oh wait, I forgot, controlling the media IS a major concern for a socialist regime. They were looking to their idols Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, Joseph Stalin…
Well, back in the United States of America, I think it’s safe to say that the Obama administration has officially LOST this major war they were waging with Fox News Channel. Let’s hope they fair better in those other minor conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Unbelievable…
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
So let’s take a look at what they are saying. White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel told CNN that President Obama does not want "the CNNs and the others in the world [to] basically be led in following Fox."
Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said the other media outlets should join the Obama administration and also declare that Fox is “not a news organization.” While speaking to ABC, he said, “Other news organizations like yours ought not to treat them that way. We’re not going to treat them that way.”
White House communications director Anita Dunn said Fox is “opinion journalism masquerading as news.”
So they’ve clearly decided to single out one network and wage war on them directly.
So let’s take a look at one reason the communications director is upset with Fox News Sunday. She criticized Fox News Sunday for fact-checking an administration official on the show. Now, she’s not upset that the fact-checking was wrong, she’s upset that they dared to do the fact-checking. She is upset with Fox News Sunday because they dared to question their administration official, not that they were wrong or inaccurate in their reporting. Then she has the gall to say they are not a news network. Right…
Take a good hard look at what they are doing here. AT NO TIME have they brought up any inaccuracies in Fox’s reporting. AT NO TIME have they said they got anything wrong. They can’t because everything Fox reports is the truth, plain and simple. If they were misrepresenting the facts, you can bet the White House would point it out, but they haven’t. Basically, they’re just hurling insults.
So why are they doing this? Because they want to do everything they can to silence the opposition. They want to silence Fox because they are the only network that is reporting some of the things that are going on behind the scenes in the “shadow government” that you don’t see in the daylight. These people in this administration are people that idolize Socialists like Hugo Chavez and have spoken out about how he controls the media in his country and they wish they could do the same thing here. Their problem is, they can’t send in troops to take control of the stations like Chavez does, so they are trying to do it with propaganda. They are making blanket accusations at Fox News, trying to marginalize the one network that isn’t under their control. All the other networks are being lap dogs right now and reporting what the administration tells them to report and not digging up facts and exposing the people in the shadow government like Fox is.
Make no mistake about it; every time the administration speaks out against Fox News, they are speaking out against free speech. Fox News is simply the one network that dares to report anything other than the government line and they don’t like it one bit. They don’t want any voice of opposition at all so they are trying this propaganda tactic to try and silence them.
It’s no secret that Fox has a lot of conservative commentators so you could say they have a right wing slant, but that’s their commentary and not their news reporting. But even if the news had a right wing slant, so what? All the other networks clearly have a left wing slant so what’s wrong with one network that goes the other way? Because it’s not the administration’s way. It’s not the government line. That is the only reason they are going after Fox. Simply because they ARE the other viewpoint.
But guess what, this is a losing proposition for Obama. He might think it feels good to lash out at the network that is a thorn in his side, but even the other networks are saying it’s the wrong thing to do. Even the liberal networks realize that this is a blatant assault on free speech. They realize the insidious danger in government controlled media. Maybe if the white house keeps it up, it will jolt the other networks awake and they’ll change from being lapdogs back to being watchdogs like they should be. Let’s watch and see.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Liars in Washington
Then I found out that the federal government is coercing banks to fund them also. Get this! The Community Reinvestment Act forces banks to make bad loans to people with questionable ability to repay the loan. Wait! Wasn't that a major factor that lead to our economy crash and bank failures, you ask? YES IT WAS! But this act forces banks to make the loans or else the government will not let them expand to other areas or states or grow their business. BUT, there is a provision that says if the bank doesn't want to make the bad loans, the alternative that will satisfy the government is that they can give money directly to ACORN! The federal government is telling these banks they either have to make bad loans or give money directly to ACORN or they will shut them down!!!
Does this sound just a little like mobster mentality here, or is it just me? I wonder if ACORN sends a thug around every month to collect their protection money? Do they go in and break the bank manager's legs if he doesn't give them the payoff? THIS IS OUR GOVERNMENT DOING THIS! What the hell is going on here????
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Shut Up Andy Rooney
Now, I'm sure he thought this sarcastic, tongue in cheek bit he did about being on vacation was funny but it just didn't strike me that way. As a matter of fact, while he was whining about how planning his vacation was such a chore and how he didn't like having all that unstructured time off to have fun and do whatever he wants, I was thinking just how ridiculous he really is. He stated that he is on vacation during the off season of the show, basically from sometime in May until September. Somewhere between 4 and 5 months.
So basically, while he's whining about having all that vacation time, I got to thinking, he works about 7 or 8 months out of the year. Then I got to thinking about how much money he makes, so I did a little research and found a news story about his pay being suspended back in 1987 because he was refusing to work in support of writers that were on strike. It stated he got paid about $7700 per week. I figured if he got even a 3 percent raise per year, he should be making over $12,000 per week today. Hmmm...
Now, I know he's not really complaining about it. He's making a joke of complaining about it, which means he's really bragging about it. Either that or he actually thinks that everybody gets 5 months vacation every year. Maybe that's funny stuff to spoiled, rich people but it's kind of an insult to us regular folks that have to work all year and only get two or three weeks vacation every year, maybe 4 if we're lucky.
So basically, here's a guy that works, what, 5 minutes a week for maybe 30 weeks out of the year and makes probably, oh somewhere in the neighborhood of $350,000 for his really tough, demanding work schedule. His job is to whine and complain about something or other, whatever strikes his fancy. It's not like he has to spend any time researching his topic or do any investigative reporting. This week he's whining and complaining about having too much time off from work for leisure and he got paid $12,000 for this diatribe, bragging about his excessive vacation time.
Good work if you can get it I guess... But I wish he'd just shut up.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Letter to Our Newest Senator
Now, I'm sure that the Democrats confirmed Sunstein and his strong anti-constitutional views and I'm sure that the Democrats passed more funding for ACORN so they can keep trying to commit voter fraud and help prostitutes subvert the law and evade taxes, but at least Senator LeMieux voted correctly, the Democrats are another matter. Anyway, I decided to write an email to Senator LeMieux and let him know that I am watching what he does, so I am printing the email here:
I don't know if he will heed what I say, I'm only one guy, but by if a bunch of people start telling him the same thing, he will have to start listening. It's time we started telling these guys in our government what we want them to do. We need to start pumping emails and letters into our government to let them know that we are watching, we are involved, we care, and we will start holding them responsible for what they do and if they don't do what we want, vote them out of office. It's time we started using the power we have and vote their corrupt asses out at the first chance we get.
Congratulations Senator, I'm glad to see at least one member of congress vote in the best interests of the people, at least in your first two votes anyway. Keep up the good work and always keep the constitution in mind when you're deciding how to vote on an issue. More government control = LESS freedom. Let's make this the country with the MOST freedom again.
And if you want my views on healthcare, I do believe we need to fix a few problems with the system we have. We DO NOT need to revamp the entire system. For example, taking steps to increase competition to help control costs is a first step. Maybe require doctors and clinics to post a pricelist of all routine procedures so people can more easily compare costs would help make it easier for people to shop around for the best price. Same thing for dentists too. The consumer needs more power here, not the government. If it doesn't work, then take stronger measures. I believe we need to TAKE SMALL STEPS when we make changes to ward against unforeseen detrimental consequences.
If the main concern is the people that don't have insurance, make the insurance companies offer low cost or partially subsidized, depending on need, (the taxpayer pays for the uninsured anyway right?) insurance to the poor as a group with group rates. People that leave their jobs or become unemployed do need access to low cost insurance so they should be covered under this also. The main idea is, the government can be involved in an oversight capacity but MINIMALLY. WE DO NOT WANT GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTHCARE.
We do not want government run ANYTHING, because the government cannot run anything right! Is there any government program that is actually run well and that doesn't run in the red? Does our government ever show any fiscal responsibility? If our government was a large corporation and had to present their books to a congressional hearing to get a government bailout, what would all the windbags in congress tell them? They would tell them that they don't know how to run a company and their company is run by a bunch of greedy crooks who've run the company into the ground and just want all the perks they can get and to milk the system for everything it's worth and then jump out with a golden parachute. They'd tell them they have to change their ways and do things right. Hell, they'd probably tell them their company is too far gone and their isn't enough money in circulation to save them. Are you starting to get the idea?
Our government sucks wind. If you want to clean something up, if you really want to fix something, then start in your own house. Make government work first before you start trying to run everything else.
Marvin J. Miller
U.S. Citizen and Voter
Get involved. You can email Senator LeMieux at: or find your Senator at: and your Representative at:
Start emailing them regularly. Sign up for their newsletter. Let them know you are watching.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Socialists In Our Government
Take a look at congresswoman Diane Watson of California. Listen to her as she says what a great leader Fidel Castro is and the great health care plan he put in place down there in communist Cuba.
Just what I want in my government, someone who thinks Fidel Castro is a wonderful guy who does great things.
I wonder what kind of reception she would get if she said that in a speech down in Miami...
Monday, August 31, 2009
A Congressman That Gets It
Too bad the Democrats aren't listening. They are going to do what THEY want and they aren't listening to ANYONE that has a different view than them. They aren't even listening to their constituents.
Stay tuned friends and neighbors, we're in the midst of a socialist takeover.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Hey Democrats, Your Elitism is Showing
It seems there have been a lot of people just like me, who think the Obama administration is mortgaging our future and spending the country into oblivion, have been showing up at their “Town Hall” propaganda meetings and voicing their displeasure. They’ve been making it known that they don’t want government run healthcare and they’re starting to see that we’re in for big tax increases in the near future and they’re not too happy about that either.
Well, it seems the socialist machine doesn’t like dissention. They don’t like anyone speaking out against their grand plan that they intend to foist upon us so they have launched a smear campaign. They are calling anyone that speaks in opposition to them an “angry mob” and saying they’re all just a bunch of right wing radicals.
They did the same thing after the tea parties. They trivialized the people that voiced their opposition to them, called them names and tried to sweep them under the rug. They’re trying to make it seem like they are a bunch of loons simply because they don’t see things as they do.
The main reason is that they look down on regular people. They ridicule and scoff at the common man. They think we need them to take care of us because we “don’t know what’s good for us” but they will take care of us in spite of ourselves. If you don’t believe me, just give a good listen to how they speak to and about people other than their fellow elites. People like Andrea Mitchell who was speaking about those opposed to the Obama health care plan who said, “they may not know what’s good for them.”
Right… I’m not smart enough to know what’s good for me. I can’t figure out that my existing health care coverage is better than any plan run by the federal government. Because they do such a great job running Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc… Tell me something; is there anything that the government runs that they actually run well?
So what do you think? Do you think Obama and his crew can run your healthcare better than what you have now? Do you trust them to tell you what procedures you’re allowed to have? NO? Oh my… you might just be a right wing radical nut job angry mobster that doesn’t know what’s good for him…
Shame on you.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Change? Only for the worse...
People didn’t like President Bush so they voted for Obama because they wanted a change. They didn’t like the Bush administration because they felt he was in bed with big oil and big business. They thought he circumvented the constitution and civil rights with the patriot act after 911. And people thought he started the war in Iraq without cause and they wanted our troops out of there. They thought he ran the federal deficit up too much with reckless spending. So they voted for change…
Now we have the Obama administration and these are the changes I'm seeing:
Obama certainly isn’t in bed with big oil, but he certainly is in bed with big green. The bill they say will save the environment, Cap and Trade, will make tons of money for somebody. If not Obama directly, his cronies like Al Gore and company stand to get rich many times over if it passes and they’re going to get rich on your dollars and mine since it’s going to cost us much more for all forms of energy including natural gas, electricity, heating oil, gasoline, etc. and it won’t do one thing to improve the environment – nothing. We just changed from making the former president and his cronies rich to making the new president and his cronies rich.
Let’s see… Civil rights, the right to choose what’s best for oneself without government interference. With the Obama health care bill, we are going to have government run healthcare shoved down our throat whether we want it or not. Everyone will be forced to buy healthcare insurance whether they want it or not. How’s that for right to choose, huh? We’ve also got government takeover of private business. I wonder how that jives with the constitution… You think the government was in your life too much under Bush? Wait until you get a full dose of real Obama Socialism. It’s coming and coming fast. What a wonderful change, huh?
As for the war in Iraq, have they started pulling those troops out of there yet? Are we bringing the boys home like Obama said he would do? Do you see anything different? What has changed? By the way, is he going to blame the troop buildup in Afghanistan on President Bush too? Because that’s the only place they’re going to go when he pulls them out of Iraq, if he pulls them out of Iraq.
As for the deficit, there’s just no contest there. If you thought Bush was a big spender, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. We’ve had the biggest deficit increase in history under our current president. Bush is really small time compared to this guy. We had a growing deficit under Bush and now we have a deficit increasing by absolutely monumental proportions under Obama. Do you like that change?
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. Get ready for the tax increases. He’s not raising your income taxes right now, that’s coming later. Right now, he’s raising every other form of tax he can think of. Most people don’t even realize it yet, but they are starting to see it. Slowly, people are starting to see through the lies. They are starting to realize that all the democrats spending will have to be paid for somehow. Change? That’s all you’re going to have left in your pocket after the democrats are done…
The only change I see is that we have more problems, more government incompetence, more corruption, more partisanship, more cronyism… Basically, everything that was bad under Bush is now worse under Obama.
Hey, all you Obama supporters, are these the changes you wanted?
Sunday, June 28, 2009
The National Debt
For anyone with more than a handful of operating brain cells, it's not hard to figure out that our federal government, in the hands of the democrats, are spending our country into oblivion, but to really put it in perspective and have it illustrated in easy to understand terms, take a look at this video:
Now, for those of you that continue to argue that the Bush administration spent all the money and put us in debt, or he started it, or it's all his fault, or he put us on the road, or whatever lame way you try and blame him, it doesn't wash. The argument is not valid, period.
Make no mistake about it, when our economy reaches severe depression level and we have runaway inflation, record unemployment levels and interest rates at unaffordable rates, it will be the fault of Obama and the democrats and nobody else.
Hang on people, it's going to be a very rough ride...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Letterman vs Palin
You know what? I’m not buying it for a minute. I heard several people talking about it today on the radio and a couple said that it was a heartfelt apology and he was sincerely sorry. Ya, right…
He’s offered up a bunch of excuses, saying he didn’t know that the daughter was at the game. Well, if that’s the case, I guess he doesn’t know what’s going on in his own town since the media plasters all the details of everything Governor Palin does on every TV screen and tabloid available.
Then he said he thought the older daughter was the one at the game. He actually said he researched it to make sure she was of legal age, 18. Right… But he didn’t bother to find out which daughter it was at the game. You believe that, right?
You know what I think? I think he just plain didn’t care which daughter it was because he thought he could get away with it. He thought that he could tell any kind of disgusting joke about Governor Palin’s daughter to get his insult across. He believed that his audience wouldn’t care. After all, he’s been telling the same kinds of jokes about her ever since she became John McCain’s running mate, right through the election and right up to now. He believed that his viewing audience hates her as much as he does and he can pretty much say anything he wants and they’ll laugh at her too. That’s just the kind of guy he is.
Now he’s offering up what sounds like a real apology. You know why? It’s only because enough people got upset about it that it might just hurt his wallet. One advertiser has already pulled it’s ads from the CBS website and there is a growing movement to have Letterman go the way of Don Imus. Many are saying his comments are worse than what Imus said and they pulled the plug on him.
There is enough of an uproar about this that most people are starting to realize just how disgusting his comments were so now they’re calling for him to be pulled off the air. So THAT he understands. If it wasn’t for that, he’d still be snickering about it and planning his next insult for her.
What amazes me about his whole thing is that anybody is actually surprised by his behavior. He’s been doing distasteful jokes about anyone that doesn’t happen to have his political view or anyone he considers inferior to himself for most of his career. So does most of the liberal media and the entertainment industry in general. Their disdain for conservatives and conservative WOMEN in particular is utterly apparent and even blatant, so why would we expect any less? A comment about Governor Palin looking “slutty” and her 14 year old daughter being “knocked up by Alex Rodriguez” fits right in with their style.
So Dave, you can give us a pretend apology to try and save your ass but most of us know how you really feel. That’s why I for one don’t watch your show to begin with. Maybe more people will now realize that your tasteless jokes and total lack of class just isn’t worth watching.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ripping Us Off Again
All I know is, my employer is laying off, my rent is going up, my pay is not, and now it is costing me even more money just to get back and forth to work for as long as I keep my job.
And the Wall Street low lifes are getting rich again...
Hey, maybe the Obama administration will do something about that...
Don't hold your breath...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Unbelievable Government Waste
Yes, you read that right. Our government, or rather, you and I through our tax dollars, are spending $400,000 over the course of the 2 year study, to send researchers to Argentina to hang out in bars to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk and then, what can be done about it. Like it take a scientist to figure that one out…
Now, why we need such a study, I don’t know. I suppose it’s to see what they can do to reduce the spread of Aids in Argentina. And I suppose they will say that they results of the study will be used to reduce the spread of Aids in America. Sounds logical right? Then again, why couldn’t they just do the study at gay bars here in America? Then the results here could be used to help people there. Doesn’t that sound more logical? Then we could save all the money it takes to send people to Argentina.
Then again, I could save them the cost of the whole study and give them the answer right now. HEY! Here’s the answer – tell all the gay men in Argentina and America not to go to bars, get drunk and engage in risky sexual behavior! Duh… What a concept, huh? But no… we have to spend $400,000 to study the obvious.
Our government in action… And you really think that these people are going to save our economy? I think we’re in big trouble…
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Yet ANOTHER Despicable Politician
This time it’s one Arlen Specter who got elected as a Republican and now that he knows he can’t win re-election as a Republican, switches parties and becomes a Democrat. It’s not a change of ideology. It’s not because of conscience, he obviously has none, the one and only reason he did it is for self preservation. His only motivation is re-election at any cost. Screw the people that voted for him. Screw what they want, you know, the very thing that he is supposed to be doing in his job that they put him in, representing them. His only concern is taking care of himself and hanging onto his job and he'll stoop to any level to do it.
How can this guy stand up in front of the American people and claim he is doing his job that he was elected to do when he just turned his back on everyone that voted him into office? How can anyone trust someone that just did a complete 180 degree turn from what he supposedly believes in and now, suddenly he believes just the opposite?
This man is demonstrating that he has absolutely no moral character whatsoever. He has no principles, no honor. His only motivation is selfishness. And he is a traitor. A traitor to his own morals, tenets and beliefs. He is a traitor to the people and he deserves our disgust and our disdain. He should be fired, then tarred and feathered and thrown out on his ass.
He has joined the ranks of the other worthless political hacks like Joe Lieberman, Christopher Dodd, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Roland Burris, Harry Reid and others that deserve to be voted out of office at our earliest opportunity. We need to let these people know that they can’t get away with betraying our trust. We need to let them know that we demand people of character and honor that serve us in our government and they definitely don’t fit the bill.
These people need to pay the price for their misdeeds. They need to lose their jobs. If they worked in the private sector for any respectable company, they would have been fired long ago. They probably wouldn’t be able to hold any kind of management job in the real business world. There, you actually have to do a good job to keep your job. In government, all you have to do is lie well enough to get elected and then you have a free ride for up to 6 years in office no matter how bad you do. Most of what they do for their elected term is spend other people’s money and most of their efforts are directed at how to lie, cheat and steal to get re-elected.
Re-elect? How about UN-elect? Let’s get these despicable “career politicians” out of our government.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Interesting facts from Rasmussen Reports
The weird part is, even though the number of people that think they are doing a good job is up, so is the number of people that think most members are corrupt. So what does this say for the public at large? It seems like they think that the members of Congress, even though they’re crooks, are doing a pretty good job. Of course, that’s only 21%...
Personally, I think it shows that the people don’t like the fact that our politicians are crooks but they expect them to be dishonest. It sort of shows that most people know that if you’re a politician, you’re probably a liar and a cheat. Kind of sad when you think of it… that we have such low expectations from the very people we elect to run our country.
Anyway, here’s some more interesting facts, plus a comment or two from me…
Nearly half (49%) the nation's voters say politics in Washington, D.C. will be more partisan over the next year.
You mean they’re not believing the Obama mantra of being non-partisan? Imagine that…
Just 53% Say Capitalism is better than Socialism
That means 47% need to move to France…
Only 27% See the U.N. As America's Ally
I’m surprised it’s as high as 27%...
36% Still Say Country Headed in the Right Direction
I wonder if they’ll think so when we have double digit inflation, high interest rates, persistently high unemployment and taxes through the roof…
44% See More Tension With Other Countries Because of Economic Crisis
Huh… Ya think?
75% Oppose Release of Guantanamo Inmates in the United States
And guess what… Your government is not listening to you and they don’t care what you think…
54% Count On U.S. Business Leaders More Than World Leaders To Help U.S. Economy
Gee, what a coincidence, it’s only one percentage point away from the people that think Capitalism is better than Socialism…
60% of U.S. voters now have an unfavorable opinion of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, including 42% Very Unfavorable
Of course, 100% admit she’s a lunatic, but 40% think she’s doing a good job…
81% Say Neither Madoff Nor His Wife Should Keep Any Money
The other 19% want him to be let out of jail so they can invest with him…
And when it comes to illegal immigration and tightening our borders?
79% Support U.S. Troops on the Border to Fight Drug Violence
68% Say Those Who Employ Illegal Immigrants Should Be Punished
73% Say Cops Should Check Immigration Status During Traffic Stops
Pretty big numbers I’d say. Guess what, the Obama administration isn’t going to listen to the voters on this one either.
How about “Card Check”? (doing away with the secret ballot to vote for or against a union)
61% Say Secret Ballot Is a Fair Way To Vote For A Union
Just 9% of Non-Union Workers Want to Join Union
9% huh? I wonder what the percentage would be with Fat Tony and Louie the Lip “helping” you vote?
And finally…
In March, the number of Democrats in the nation fell two percentage points…
Hey, you mean people are starting to wise up?Wait a minute…
…the number of Republicans fell by half-a-point.
YES, people ARE starting to wise up! They’re starting to realize that the Republicans are almost (not quite) as bad as the Democrats. Can you say “Libertarian”?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that, my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”
Profound words indeed. I wish our esteemed President would heed them.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Response to the President's address to congress - part 4
You opened your remarks by stating that this country is way behind in education. I don’t really know how you can say that with the level of education that this country has to offer. I can’t imagine that any other country on earth has better colleges than this country, yet you say we are way behind. But I guess it’s not really the schools since you said, “We have one of the highest high school dropout rates of any industrialized nation. And half of the students who begin college never finish.” Well Sir, if that’s the case, the problem certainly doesn’t lie with the school system. Kids dropping out of high school has far more to do with families than the school system and it certainly isn’t something that money from the government is going to fix. I’d venture a guess that kids dropping out of college has more to do with them not having the drive or desire to make it through more than anything else.
Then you just blew my mind when you said, “That is why it will be the goal of this administration to ensure that every child has access to a complete and competitive education – from the day they are born to the day they begin a career.” You’re going to ensure that EVERY child has a college education? FROM THE DAY THEY ARE BORN TO THE DAY THEY BEGIN A CAREER??? I cannot even imagine what the price tag on this one is. How can you possibly make a statement like that with a straight face? I guess you’re just laying it right out there, the whole left wing “cradle to grave, government takes care of your every need” concept. Socialism at it’s finest.
Oh, but let’s continue, “Already, we have made an historic investment in education through the economic recovery plan.” In other words you have already thrown a TON of money at this issue and you intend on dumping TONS more into it. Don’t get me wrong, I think education is a worthy cause but we are in economic decline right now. How is spending all this money on education going to help the economy, or should I ask, how is it not going to run the economy into the toilet? If the money spent has any affect at all, it will be 10-20 years down the road! You yourself stated your goal as, “…by 2020, America will once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world.” 2020! Hey Mr. President, I got a news flash for ya! It won’t make any difference if they have a college education or not because the U.S. economy will be wrecked and they’ll be lucky to get a job shoveling crap on a family farm somewhere!
THEN, you said, “In the end, there is no program or policy that can substitute for a mother or father who will attend those parent/teacher conferences, or help with homework after dinner, or turn off the TV, put away the video games and read to their child. I speak to you not just as a President, but as a father when I say that responsibility for our children’s education must begin at home.” Thank you for stating what’s so obvious to the rest of us but those are absolutely meaningless and hollow words AFTER you just told everyone that the government is going to be mommy and daddy “from the day they are born to the day they begin a career.” I just don’t know which side of your mouth to believe.
Now we get to the point that you made a statement that I agree with but with your next breath you totally lost any support from me you could ever hope to get. You said, “There is, of course, another responsibility we have to our children. And that is the responsibility to ensure that we do not pass on to them a debt they cannot pay.” I was glad to hear that as were a large majority of the members of congress including the Republicans. A lot of them gave you a standing ovation at that statement. But then you had to ruin it. You couldn’t even give the Republicans one moment to cheer. Not one moment. You were so anxious to put them down again, you didn’t even wait until the applause died down until you almost shouted, “With the deficit we inherited, the cost of the crisis we face…we do what it takes to bring this deficit down.” You had to get that in one more time, had to lay blame on someone else. That's the one that did it. That was the straw that broke the camels back. You drove the point home that you are a hypocrite and you ARE partisan. Never mind that the Republicans ran up a debt over the course of 8 years and you just spent the same amount with the stroke of a pen a month after you took office. It's all their fault and you're not taking any blame at all. I’ve never seen such a hypocrite as you. Well, maybe Barney Frank…
Then you had the gall to say, “Yesterday, I held a fiscal summit where I pledged to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term in office.” Hey, I got some advice for ya on how you can do that. QUIT SPENDING MONEY!!!
Then you just started just bald-faced lying through your teeth by saying, “I’m proud that we passed the recovery plan free of earmarks…” Right… no matter what you call it or how much you argue semantics, MOST of your “recovery” plan is wasteful spending that has absolutely NOTHING to do with helping the economy and indeed will HURT the economy but you stand up there and say you’re “proud that it’s free of earmarks”? Right… and Bill didn’t have sex with that woman either…
You went on to lie, er say, you were going to root out wasteful spending. Right… I believe that with a spending package that has over 8600 earmarks. And these truly ARE earmarks Mr. President, no two ways about it and I’d bet you’re going to put pen to paper on that turkey too.
You mentioned getting rid of no-bid contracts (good idea) and reform the defense budget (good idea if it’s done right, but have no faith that it will be) and root out more waste and fraud. Right… you know what? I don’t believe a word you say anymore.
You finished up your speech by railing against the former administration some more, then told some inspirational stories, etc, etc, but at this point I wasn’t much listening. You know why? Because I have absolutely NO FAITH that the Federal Government can possibly do anything good at this point. The more you try and fix, the more you foul up. Have you looked at the stock market lately? It’s pretty much been on a downward spiral ever since your big speech Mr. President. Does that give you a clue?
I actually had faith that our economy was going to recover, but now I have more doubt than ever. I remember when they interviewed a guy on the trading floor of the stock market after the first big drop and he said, “You know the government should just shut up. Every time they open their mouth they make things worse.” That’s all I see you doing Mr. President, spending my money and causing my retirement account to disappear.
You’ll try and blame the last administration for everything, but it’s in your hands now. YOU are responsible for what happens now. I think I see why you are trying to do everything now, it’s because there’s no way you will be there after 4 years and you know it. If you try real hard, maybe you can set another record. You can be the first black President to be impeached.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Response to the President's address to Congress - part 3
You had to yet again show your hatred for the Republicans when you said your budget “reflects the stark reality of what we’ve inherited – a trillion dollar deficit, a financial crisis, and a costly recession.” Had to get “inherited” and “crisis” in there again, right? Don’t forget, the Democrats in Congress had a BIG hand in causing this “crisis” that you “inherited.”
Then you said, “Given these realities, everyone in this chamber – Democrats and Republicans – will have to sacrifice some worthy priorities for which there are no dollars. And that includes me.” Noble words but the REALITY is that nobody is sacrificing anything, including you, since there are a handful of earmarks included in that 8,600 that you personally authored. If you actually mean anything you say, you will not sign this budget until all of the earmarks are removed. I seriously doubt we will see that happen though.
You went on to say, “That is why, even as it cuts back on the programs we don’t need, the budget I submit will invest in the three areas that are absolutely critical to our economic future, energy, health care and education.” What exactly did you cut back on? The spending bill you speak of increases spending 8% over the last budget, which is much higher than the inflation rate, by the way, so how did you CUT anything? Usually, when I hear someone say they are cutting something, I think it means LESS, not more. Do you have some other definition of “cut” that nobody knows about? Maybe Bill Clinton has been tutoring you on creative word definitions…
So… starting on your “big 3”, energy, health care and education. When it comes to investing in renewable energy and ending our dependence on imported oil, I have to say, I’m with you. I think it’s a high priority to eliminate the possibility of Middle East nations holding us hostage with oil. I did, however, think that your statements about it lacked substance. You said, “…we will double this nation’s supply of renewable energy in the next three years.” What “supply” of renewable energy do we have? Are we stocked up on some renewable form of energy somewhere? What is it?
You went on to say, “We have also made the largest investment in basic research funding in American history – an investment that will spur not only new discoveries in energy, but breakthroughs in medicine, science and technology.” We know you’re spending a crap-load of money, but just because you throw money at a problem doesn’t mean that is going to guarantee a breakthrough. Then again, I guess it wouldn’t be a political speech unless it was riddled with platitudes…
You went on to say, “…we need to ultimately make clean, renewable energy the profitable kind of energy. So I ask this Congress to send me legislation that places a market-based cap on carbon pollution and drives the production of more renewable energy in America.” You know, that sounds good on the surface but I can’t help but think that if a power company is restricted on how much energy they can produce with existing plants and you FORCE them to invest in other methods that maybe aren’t profitable at existing rates, it’s going to mean us consumers are going to be paying a lot more for our electricity. I don’t really think that’s a great idea right now in our present economy. Maybe after we recover a bit, but not now.
On to health care… “Our recovery plan will invest in electronic health records and new technology that will reduce errors, bring down costs, ensure privacy and save lives.” Hmmm… Is this going to be our health records maintained electronically by the government? I’m not sure I like that idea. How would maintaining health records electronically save lives, by the way? Oh, and while I’m thinking about it, how is health care reform going to stimulate the economy? It’s in the recovery plan, right? How does this improve the economy? Or is this just one of those things that has been on the Democrat’s wish list for so many years you thought now would be good time to sneak it through and call it part of the stimulus package? Or are you blurring the lines and calling the budget spending bill part of the “recovery plan” now?
You went on to say that the “historic commitment to comprehensive health care reform” is a “down-payment on the principle that we must have quality, affordable health care for every American.” So the enormous spending that is taking place right now is only the “down-payment”. I guess that means the major payment us taxpayers will have to cough up comes later. They you said, “And it’s a step we must take if we hope to bring down our deficit in the years to come.” I gotta say, you totally lost me here… Universal health care is going to bring down our deficit? Which deficit are you talking about? I see absolutely no logic here whatsoever.
Then you made me laugh again when you said, “…I’m bringing together businesses and workers, doctors and health care providers, Democrats and Republicans to begin work on this issue next week.” Right… I bet you’ll get some workers off the street to help solve this problem… But the really funny part was when you mentioned Republicans, like you are going to listen to a single thing THEY have to say. This is just another case of you paying lip service to being bi-partisan. Why don’t you just tell the truth, come right out and say it, you and the Democrats in Congress are running the show and the Republicans are powerless to do anything about it so you’re not going to listen to a thing they have to say unless they agree with you. Period.
And you finished off health care by saying, “So let there be no doubt: health care reform cannot wait, it must not wait and it will not wait another year.” I guess it’s sort of like the stimulus package that couldn’t wait until anybody read it before you signed it…
Don’t you think it might be a good idea to try and recover the economy first before you change the world? You think maybe that trying to accomplish all this reform by unbridled spending on everything ever wanted by the liberal left wing might just push our economy to the limit when it's already on the brink? Or is it your intention to get this Democrat Christmas list passed at any cost, even if it wrecks the economy? Maybe you think it's ok to take that chance to get what you want.
Well, I guess I’ll wait until tomorrow to talk about your third big reform, education, because that one might take a while…
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Response to the President's address to congress part 2
I wanted to ask you what exactly you meant when you were talking about the credit crunch, you said, “First, we are creating a new lending fund that represents the largest effort ever to help provide auto loans, college loans, and small business loans to the consumers and entrepreneurs who keep this economy running.” You’re creating a fund? Is this a government fund? Is the federal government now going to operate as a bank, loaning money to people? Where is the money coming from to do that? Or are you just talking about the government controlling the private banks?
You said, “Second, we have launched a housing plan that will help responsible families facing the threat of foreclosure lower their monthly payments and re-finance their mortgages.” Hmmm… who decides who is responsible or not? Oh right, Joe Biden… “It’s a plan that won’t help speculators or that neighbor down the street who bought a house he could never hope to afford…” Hmmm… are you going to have someone look at each individual case and decide who can afford what? Oh yeah… Joe Biden… “but it will help millions of Americans who are struggling with declining home values…” Declining home values??? Everybody that owns a house is seeing their home value decline. Are you going to help everybody? When can I expect a check? “– Americans who will now be able to take advantage of the lower interest rates that this plan has already helped bring about.” Wow, you mean we had a huge interest rate drop last week I didn’t hear about? I didn’t realize mortgage rate control was written into the bill and worked that fast. Or are you just taking credit for the interest rate reductions that happened before your spending bill ever saw the light of day?
Then you said something a little scary, “…we will act with the full force of the federal government to ensure that the major banks that Americans depend on have enough confidence and enough money to lend even in more difficult times.” Hmmm… the full force of the federal government… ensure that they have enough money… How exactly does the government do that??? “And when we learn that a major bank has serious problems, we will hold accountable those responsible, force the necessary adjustments, provide the support to clean up their balance sheets and assure the continuity of a strong, viable institution that can serve our people and our economy.” That actually sounds quite ominous to me. It sounds like you are saying that the federal government is going to exert complete control over the banking system in this country. Those are pretty strong words, “the full force of the federal government”, “hold accountable those responsible” and “force the necessary adjustments” I’m not a political expert, but that sounds like a socialist or even a fascist ideology there…
You went on to say that you’re going to hold banks fully accountable and they “won’t be able to use taxpayer money to pad their paychecks or buy fancy drapes or disappear on a private jet. Those days are over.” I agree, they should be more responsible and far less greedy, especially when taxpayer money is being used to bail them out. By the way, do any members of congress fly around on private jets or military jets at taxpayer expense? Just asking, because I heard Nancy Pelosi flies home every weekend in a private military plane at taxpayer expense. Is that true? Also, was there any reason you had to fly across the country at taxpayer expense just to sign this spending bill? You couldn’t just sign it in your office? Or you just felt like taking a little jaunt in Air Force One? Just asking, because it just sort of seems like you’re talking the talk but not really walking the walk, you know?
I also caught that other little dig against the Bush administration when you said that “this time, they will have to clearly demonstrate how taxpayer dollars result in more lending…” right before you said you were going to give them another load of money over and above the spending bill. “This time”, meaning that Bush did it all wrong giving money to the banks but “this time” it’s ok that you’re giving money to the banks because you’re going to do it right. Ok…Joe Biden will oversee it… right, ok…
You went on to say, “…to ensure that a crisis” (there’s your favorite word again) “of this magnitude never happens again, I ask congress to move quickly on legislation that will finally reform our outdated regulatory system.” Would that be anything like the reform recommended by the Bush administration and proposed by Republicans like John McCain and that got shot down by your fellow Democrats like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd who insisted there was no need for controls over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Is that the kind of reform you're talking about? Don’t even go there if you’re going to blame it on the Republicans when the Democrats were just as much, if not more at fault for the whole housing and banking collapse. There’s plenty of blame to go around and mistakes were made by both parties and frankly, I’m getting a little tired of you blaming the Republicans for everything every chance you get. It's getting a little tiresome. For someone that pays a lot of lip service to being bi-partisan, you’re one of the most partisan sounding people I’ve ever heard. You wouldn’t be lying about that too would you Mr. President?
The next thing you said was that we need to make “long term investments” and “The only way this century will be another American century is if we confront at last the price of our dependence on oil and the high cost of health care; the schools that aren’t preparing our children and the mountain of debt they stand to inherit. That is our responsibility.”
I think I’ll wait to respond to all these issues but I will say one thing about that statement. It’s interesting that you mention the mountain of debt our children stand to inherit. It IS our responsibility and now it’s largely your responsibility since you just DOUBLED it and you’re getting ready to spend a lot more.
Stay tuned...
Friday, February 27, 2009
Are you lying Mr. President? Response to the President's address to congress - part 1
The first thing I noticed while listening to you speak Mr. President is that you still seem to take every opportunity to blame Republicans and the Bush administration for everything. You stated again more than once that you “inherited” the economic “crisis.” You used the term “crisis” twice in the first minute or so of your speech so you’re still using fear as a motivating factor to get people to follow you. No surprise there…
You did make a few factual errors during the speech but nothing of much importance. While making a statement about knowing for years that we should reduce our dependence on imported oil, you stated that we are importing more than ever before which isn’t true. Oil imports have actually fallen over the last couple of years. Not by enough, but they have still fallen. Maybe someone in your staff didn’t check the facts on that one.
When you were talking about the auto companies, you stated that America invented the automobile. Well, that’s not exactly true either but there’s no doubt that America is big in the car industry and our manufacturing capability is unmatched so that statement is fairly trivial. The issue of the auto companies is actually one thing that I happen to agree with you on since you indicated that we should not let the car companies fail and I think that’s a very intelligent view. It’s not just the companies themselves but we don’t want to lose the very manufacturing capability I mentioned earlier. Congress doesn’t seem to agree with you though. They only want to give money to the bankers, you know, those guys that they get all the campaign contributions from.
There are however a good number of things that you said that I did take serious issue with Mr. President, mainly because you seem to be lying through your teeth. Maybe that’s not true so let’s take a look at some of them and maybe you can clarify.
The first thing that I couldn’t believe was that you actually said, while talking about the “recovery plan”, that you had asked congress to come up with a bill that would “put people back to work and put money in their pockets. Not because I believe in bigger government – I don’t." Really… You could have fooled me since you are growing government bigger than it has ever been in its history. You went on to say, “In fact, a failure to act would have worsened our long-term deficit by assuring weak economic growth for years. That’s why I pushed for quick action” Well, there are a lot of prominent economists and Nobel laureates that disagree with you Mr. President, but maybe you’re smarter than all those guys. What do they know, right? You certainly did push for quick action though, that’s for sure. It was passed so fast, nobody even had a chance to read it. Nobody in congress or you yourself actually read the thing before it was signed into law. Personally, I don’t think that’s very responsible or prudent. Actually, I think it’s pretty stupid, but then what do I know, right? You told us all that we couldn’t wait, we had to act now, we had to get this bill passed or the market may spiral down and be unrecoverable. Well, Mr. President, you got the bill passed, so what exactly is happening right now to save our economy? What is working to bring our economy up right now, this week? What was so important to get working that it couldn’t wait for a week or two for the biggest spending spree in history to at least be read before it was passed? Is our economy being stimulated yet? I don’t see anything…
You made the statement that, “Over the next two years, this plan will save or create 3.5 million jobs.” I had to laugh when you said that because it’s pure politician-speak. It will “save or create” jobs. Nice wording since if it doesn’t create jobs, you can say well, it saved jobs. Of course there’s absolutely no way you can measure how many jobs it saved because jobs not lost might not have been lost even without the bill so by using that wording, you can take credit later even if the bill actually slows the growth of jobs. Nice touch, Mr. Politician.
You said, “Because of this plan, 95% or the working households in America will receive a tax cut – a tax cut that you will see in your paychecks beginning on April 1st.” I can’t thank you enough for that Mr. President. That extra $13 a week will help so much, I’ll be able to buy a couple extra hamburgers at McDonalds or maybe even a medium pizza. I feel better already…
You tried to get another dig in against Bush and Republicans when you said, “Here in Washington, we’ve all seen how quickly good intentions can turn into broken promises and wasteful spending.” You’re absolutely right about that. We have seen that in the past and we are seeing it again right now at your hand. If you had actually read the bill you signed, you would see that over half of it is wasteful spending. I’m being kind there; some estimates are as high as 80% wasteful spending.
And speaking of "broken promises", did you forget your campaign promise that you would put every bill up on the internet for all of the American people to read before you signed it? I believe you said at least 48 hours, though that wouldn’t have been nearly enough time to read this turkey…
You said, “with a plan of this scale comes enormous responsibility to get it right. That is why I have asked Vice President Biden to lead a tough, unprecedented oversight effort…” Gee, Mr. President, I feel so reassured with Joe Biden keeping track of all that spending. I’m sure he’ll keep us all informed by putting information up on the website, if only he could remember the “number” of the website…
Well, I think that’s enough for everyone to think about today. I’ll bring up some more issues tomorrow.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Is he kidding???
Now, this week our supreme leader comes out and says that we have to get spending under control. With all due respect Mr. President I just have to say, HELLOOOOOO! Are you for real??? You just passed the largest spending bill in the history of our country and now you say you’re going to get spending under control? Go talk to all your financial expert buddies, the ones that can’t figure out how to pay their taxes, then put your heads together and see if you can find a CLUE!
I cannot believe this guy. I’m starting to think that everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. He says he is going to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first (and what is going to be his ONLY) term. He says he is going to do it by getting the troops out of Iraq. Right… He’s going to get them out of Iraq and send them right into Afghanistan. So how’s that going to save anything? It’s not.
He’s going to let the Bush tax cuts expire which will raise the capital gains tax and increase taxes on the “wealthy”. Right… That will make people run from investing in stocks (the stock market fell more than 250 points just today on his announcement) and taxing the “wealthy” (you know those people that run businesses and create jobs) will just stifle growth and increase unemployment. Increasing taxes while the economy is declining will cause it to decline even further. This is a basic economic principal and he knows it. He just can’t help himself. Liberal Democrats have to raise taxes. It’s a sickness…
Make no mistake about it folks; this plan is not going to work. He will NOT be able to pay for all this spending AND cut the deficit in half without raising your taxes. Not just on the wealthy but YOUR taxes, MY taxes, EVERYONE'S taxes. We will not get to the end of 2009 without our taxes going up. You might as well get prepared for it.
While you’re at it, you might as well get ready for runaway inflation and a continued fall of the stock market. I hope you weren’t planning on your 401K or IRA actually being worth anything…
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Gas Prices Again...
I’m talking about the rising price of gasoline at the pump. There is no natural market activity that can account for this increase because the barrel price of oil has dropped and except for a couple of temporary hiccups in the market, has stayed low.
The last time we were in the neighborhood of the barrel price of oil being at $40 per barrel was back in late 2004. At that time the barrel price was climbing drastically toward $40 per barrel and the worry at the time was that gas would top $2 per gallon at the pump. Unlike today, demand was rising and surpluses were low so the fact that the barrel price being pushed OVER $40 caused pump prices to hit $2 per gallon was understandable.
Today however, demand is low and falling, surpluses are high, storage is maxed out and there is in effect a glut of oil, but the pump prices are rising. This is just the opposite that it should be doing if it was controlled simply by supply and demand like it should be.
The only logical conclusion then, is that the market is being artificially manipulated. The general consensus is that the oil refineries in this country are cutting back their production to limit the supply and drive up the price. But who is controlling all of the refineries? Who is making these decisions and why are they all complying? Are they in collusion to control the market? Are the oil companies still raking in record profits? Yes they are.
It’s not only the refineries that are affecting the price though. With the current oil surpluses, cutting back refining wouldn’t have an immediate effect on the pump price. There would be a time lag that we’re not seeing. So what do we conclude? Maybe Wall Street and the speculators are at it again, controlling the market to drive up the price and line their pockets at the expense of the American consumer? They wouldn’t do that would they?
And don’t forget about our “friends” in OPEC. They are doing their part by intentionally cutting production to try and drive the price up by affecting the current record crude oil stockpiles that have soared due to falling demand.
The station I usually fuel up at has raised the price from a recent low of $1.69 up to $2.09 last week. The fact is that the current price of crude is around $38 and if it stays below $40, we should not be paying over $2 per gallon at the pump. Supply is up and demand is down so the pump price should be stable or falling, NOT rising.
What can we do? Well, one thing we can do is keep demand low. Keep using less, keep conserving, limit your driving and do everything you can to use less gas. It’s the only weapon we have. If we do that and they keep raising the price and manipulating the market, it will become readily apparent to everyone.
Then we can watch and see what the economic “savior” and his administration will do about it…
Friday, February 20, 2009
Character building
I always thought it was true but in this and age of such fierce rivalries with coaches and players going all out to win at any cost, the bench clearing brawls and assaults that happen on the court or field, I have wondered if it is true anymore. I see the steroids and cheating in professional and college sports and I wonder what has happened to sportsmanship.
But then once in a while there comes a story of what team sport is all about. Once in a while we see the true character, courage and honor that young people and indeed all of us should aspire to. It may come from a backwater corner of America, from a team that nobody has ever heard from, but it shows that there's still hope.
Read this story and you will know what I'm talking about. You'll know that there are people and places in America where humanities’ best qualities are still taught and practiced.
Maybe these young men will be the future of America. We hope that men of this character will be the leaders that guide our great country.
It's a shame that such men are not leading us now...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
More on the Porky Plan
He seems intent on getting his digs in against the former administration and Republicans in general, insinuating that they are the reason the economy is in the shape it’s in even though his own party played a MAJOR role in the housing market crash. He ignores or denies that fact while he sarcastically says he received the present economy tied up with a big red bow when he took office. Very professional… Just what we need, a president who’s a smart ass…
He also said that now is not the time for congress to be delayed from acting by the same old Washington partisan politics and they need to come together to pass this bill. He says this out of one side of his mouth while the other side refers to the old failed policies of the last eight years, blaming the Republicans for everything. Here’s a clue Mr. President, if you want to end partisanship, stop speaking in such a partisan manner.
So I guess his idea of “bi-partisan” means that the Republicans should not question anything, they should just lie down and agree with a bill that has no compromise whatsoever. It was crafted by Democrats from their own wish list, with nothing but Democrat spending projects. It was by them and for them.
The Republicans shouldn't want accountability. They shouldn't care about fiscal responsibility. They shouldn't complain about wasteful spending. They shouldn’t insist on tax cuts, which if you remember was one of the main promises of Obama’s campaign, lower and middle class tax cuts, right? Now he says tax cuts aren’t the answer. Giving people more of their own money to spend isn’t a good way to stimulate the economy. He says only the government can fix this problem. Gee, that sounds like something a Socialist would say…
Can anybody remember when the government ran anything well? The post office is a model of efficiency, right? Can you tell me when they have ever run the government within their own budget? Maybe they can do as good a job running the economy as they do managing the Social Security System, right? They have been TOTALLY fiscally irresponsible, overspending for YEARS, increasing the national debt exponentially and now they think that spending even more and going even farther in debt is the answer? Is our government being run by a pack of idiots and morons? It sure looks that way to me.
Now, this is the second post I've written about this issue and you may ask yourself, "Who the heck is this guy? He's no economist." Well, you'd be right, I'm not, but coincidentally enough, a lot of people that ARE economists and other learned people happen to agree with my point of view.
As a matter of fact several hundred prominent economists including several Nobel laureates and other scholars signed a statement disagreeing with the President and the massive spending bill he touts as the only solution to our problems. They took out full page ads in major newspapers across the nation to show their disapproval. Take a look on the Cato Institute's Website.
Well, guess what, even the Congressional Budget Office, which is non-partisan by the way, says the spending bill will actually lower the GDP by .1 - .3 percentage points and that doing NOTHING would help the economy more than this irresponsible spending plan. Read the story.
The porkulus package passed in the Senate today and now is in committee to reach a compromise between the House version and the Senate version. Now, normally when you talk about compromise, you think there’s a high and a low and they meet somewhere in between. Well, just watch and see what happens here. The House version, I think, was around $825 billion. The Senate version is around $837 billion. Their “compromise” will be bigger than both. I predict at least $850 billion. That’s how congress compromises when it comes to spending. When in doubt spend even more…
I’m tellin’ ya… idiots and morons…
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Spendulous Bill
Obama and the democrats want you to believe this is a bipartisan effort. It is nothing of the sort. The Republicans were entirely shut out and none of the proposals they had for the bill were even considered by the Democratic majority in the house. Not one single house Republican voted for this pork fest.
They want you to believe that this bill is what will get the country going again. That also couldn’t be further from the truth. It is partisan Democrat pork barrel, wasteful spending from the top down. There is actually very little in this spend-fest that will actually do anything to help. Most of it does nothing and will most likely work to slow economic growth even further in the long run.
It manages to spend money on every pent up Democrat’s desires for the last 40 years and there isn’t much in there that will actually stimulate anything other than the ire of the American public. It’s just spending, pure and simple and wasteful spending at that.
Tell me, why do we need 650 million additional dollars spent on the digital TV changeover coupons? Why is the government paying for this? Why is the government involved at all? It’s TV… If the TV networks want this, why aren’t they paying for it? My TV that’s not hooked up to cable works just fine. If I wanted digital TV on it, I would hook it up to my cable.
Tell me how $50 million to the National Endowment to the Arts is going to stimulate the economy? Are we going to make a bunch of unemployed people artists and put them to work?
Why do we need to spend $400 million for global warming research? I thought Al Gore already had that all figured out. How much more research do we need to tell there’s global warming? How is it going to stimulate the economy? How is it going to create jobs?
Oh and here’s a good one, $1 BILLION for AmTrack. Yea, we need to spend a billion dollars on an entity that has been losing money for the last 40 years. That’s right friends and neighbors, AmTrack runs it’s business in the red just like the Federal Government. They want to hand over a billion dollars to them, but they didn’t want to help out the auto companies. Ya, that makes sense… Again, how is this going to stimulate the economy? By pouring more money into a proven loser?
This SPENDING package, yes I’m calling it what it IS, wasn’t even crafted by the President. It was put together by the most wasteful spenders on the planet, the Democrats in congress. As Nancy Pelosi put it, "We won the election. We wrote the bill." So they did… and now they are going to try and get everything that’s ever been on the liberal Democrat’s Christmas list all in one nice, big, fat spend fest. It’s absolutely disgusting.
What really grinds me is that Obama ran on the premise of “change”. I took that to mean change in Washington. Change in the way our government works. Change it into what it’s supposed to be. Eliminate waste, eliminate earmarks and pork and eliminate congress working for its own self interest and not for ours.
I think Obama is demonstrating what he actually meant by change. I guess it means change for the worse. I guess it means we get even more waste and even more inefficiency in our government. I guess it means more federal deficit and a greater national debt. I guess it means letting the pigs in congress continue to feed at the public trough and try and spend our government into bankruptcy.
Just so you all know, this will mean we are all going to get hit with huge tax increases down the road. He’s not telling you that part right now but sooner or later he’s going to say, “Well, we did what we had to do and now everybody needs to bite the bullet and do their fair share to pay for it and give 40% (or more) of their pay to the Federal Government.” Get ready for that…
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for stimulating the economy. I just want to see the money actually spent for that. I don’t want to see it spent on pet projects and entitlement programs. I only want them to spend money that will actually do some good. Wouldn’t you agree?
Just FYI, an unscientific poll on the CNN website asked this question, “Should the economic stimulus bill contain items not directly related to strengthening the economy or creating jobs?”
The results: Yes – 10% No – 90%
Gee, you think the American public “gets it”? I just wish the idiots in Washington did…
Oh gee, as I was writing this, our President came on TV to hold a press conference to try and sell his Spendulous package to us people who pay his salary. I guess I’ll have to make a few comments about that…
Obama said that tax cuts don’t work. He said in his new conference that we’ve seen this time and time again. I’d sure like to know what times he is talking about because every time I’ve seen tax cuts, they sure do work and it absolutely does stimulate the economy.
He said that this type of policy is what got the economy to where it is now. Tax cuts had NOTHING to do with the economy getting to where it is now. The housing and mortgage market was the biggest contributor to the economy crashing, thank you Barney Frank and Chris Dodd…
He also says there are no earmarks in this bill. Right… I believe that one.
He says we are in the worst economic crisis since the great depression. I guess he forgot about the Jimmy Carter years of mortgage interest rates over 15%, double digit inflation and higher unemployment than we have now. By the way, the Reagan tax cuts brought the economy back after this but our illustrious president insists tax cuts don’t work…
The fact is, we are not as bad off now as we were back then but he’s trying his best to scare the American public into getting behind his Spendulous package so he can get it pushed through.
Don’t believe him! He’s lying! You know how I can tell? His lips are moving…
Monday, February 2, 2009
Let's Help Our Economy
While it’s a laudable tenet, it couldn’t happen at a worse time for our economy. As people hoard money and pay off debt, they quit spending on anything other than necessities. This hurts companies that thrive on people buying their goods and services, which causes them to lay people off, or worse, go out of business altogether. This gets reported in the news in the form of statistics and polls and brought to us as a daily dose of bad news for our economy. People hoard even more because of all that bad news and it ends up being a downward spiral.
You know what our economy needs? People spending money! Yes, the banks need to open up the credit market and start lending money for car and home purchases (to qualified buyers of course) but the American people could do more for the economy than any government bailout just by opening up the purse strings a little. Then maybe the daily reports wouldn’t be so bad and people would feel a little better and spend even more and pretty soon companies would start rehiring and guess what, our economy is growing again.
It would be a slow process and so it should be. Quick, forced, artificial economic fixes only serve to do more harm than good in the long run. Another fact our “brilliant” leaders don’t seem to grasp. They seem to think the best thing to do is tinker with a free economy. Well, that’s what screwed it up in the first place!
We, the American people can fix this problem. Just open up that wallet now and then and buy something. That would do more than you realize. I intend to. I’m going to start buying, not going in debt, but buying things I need with cash I have on hand, otherwise known as discretionary income. As a matter of fact, I think I’ll buy a new laser printer today. I’ve been wanting one of those for a while now. Time to buy it. Might even buy a new TV to take care of that pesky switchover to digital TV… and I’ve been looking at those new Chevy hybrid pickups too… hmmm….
Friday, January 23, 2009
Our National Anthem
I found out that they are called the Cactus Cuties and they range in age from 6 to 9 years old (at the time of this recording) and someone that knows music would tell you they have perfect pitch, range, tone, etc. or whatever technical terms. I'll just say, they sing beautifully.
Please enjoy:
The Cactus Cuties are normally 4 girls and here they are on the 700 Club with a short interview after they sing The Star Spangled Banner:
And if you would like a little more, here they are singing Amazing Grace:
If they don't warm your heart, nothing will.
Here's their website
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sarah Palin
I couldn’t figure out why the people didn’t accept her. I knew why the political establishment attacked her. It was because she was just a regular person. She didn’t come from a pedigreed background, she wasn’t rich, a minority or a political insider. She was just a regular, everyday person.
Anyway, this commentary says it much better than I could so give it a read.